Meeting Video Editor Role Description

We’re seeking our next meeting video editor! The video editor supports Guild members by increasing access to meeting content.

This is a volunteer role with at least a 12-month commitment.

If you’re interested (or would like to recommend someone), please email

Overview and primary responsibilities:

In this volunteer role, you’ll coordinate with meeting organizers to receive video files of bimonthly member meetings and related information (presentation title, speaker names, etc.). You’ll create brief opening and closing slide sequences from a template and add them to the video file, review the video for any technical problems, and make minor edits to trim content. You’ll render the completed video and upload it to the Guild’s YouTube channel. You’ll then communicate with the Guild administrator to confirm the video is ready for publishing and pass along the details needed for publicizing the video.

For the foreseeable future, meetings will continue to happen on Zoom. Meetings are generally about two hours long. Meeting organizers will make video captured from the meeting available to you through Google Drive, generally as MP4 files. You’re welcome to use your own software if you have some that you’re already familiar with. Otherwise, the Guild can reimburse you for an Adobe Premiere Elements license and provide some guidance on how we’ve used it. You’ll need a computer that can handle working with video (ideally with plenty of RAM) and a fast internet connection. Experience with video editing is a big plus, but if this is something you think you’d enjoy and be good at, we can help you learn the basics. You’ll receive materials and training before and after taking on the job.

Time commitment:

The time commitment will depend on your comfort level with the software and process—expect a small learning curve—but with experience, we expect the work could take as little as five hours every two months, plus computer time for rendering and uploading. You can complete the work on your own schedule within the month following the meeting. You should plan to commit to this role for at least 12 months.

Optional activities (wishlist!):

The Guild’s Programming Committee is also hoping to increase accessibility of meeting content, so during 2022 we plan to investigate and experiment with options for either adding captioning or producing a transcript to accompany the video. Depending on time, interest, and skills, we would also appreciate volunteer assistance with this effort.


  • Learn and apply new technical media skills.

  • Soak up the content from every member meeting, whether you can attend the meetings live or not.

  • Fit in volunteer hours entirely on your own schedule.

  • Receive reimbursement for an Adobe Premiere Elements license (if needed).

  • Receive a complimentary year of membership after one year of completed service in this role.

Interested? Please email today!